Structural, electronic and optical features of molybdenum-doped
Victor-Ishrayelu Merupo, Velumani Subramaniam, NicolasErrien, JacekSzade and Abdel-Hadi Kassiba
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 31 (2015) 618–623. |
Structural, electronic and optical features of molybdenum-doped bismuth vanadium oxide
V.I. Merupo, S.Velumani, G.Oza, M.Makowska-Janusik, A.Kassiba.
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 31 (2015)618–623

Structural and optical characterization of ball milled copper-doped bismuth vanadium oxide (BiVO4)
Victor-Ishrayelu Merupo,Subramaniam Velumani, Karolina Ordon,Nicolas Errien,b Jacek Szaded and Abdel-Hadi Kassiba.
CrystEngComm 17 (2015) 3366-3375.

Deposition and characterization of graded Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 thin
films by spray pyrolysis
Babu B.J, Velumani Subramaniam, Kassiba A, Asomoza A, Chavez-Carvayar J.A, Junsin Yi
Materials ScienceinSemiconductorProcessing (2015)

Effect of sodium doping on graded Cu(In1_xGax)Se2 thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis
B.J. Babu, S.Velumani, BrianJ.Simonds, RichardK.Ahrenkiel, A.Kassiba, R.Asomoza.
Materials ScienceinSemiconductorProcessing (2015)

Structural properties of In2Se3 precursor layers deposited by spray pyrolysis and physical vapor deposition for CuInSe2 thin-film solar cell applications
Reyes-Figueroa P; Painchaud T; Harel S; Arzel L; Barreau N; Velumani S, Junsin Yi Thin Solid Films 587 (2015) 112-116.

Cobalt Ferrite Nanowhiskers as T2 Contrast agent in MRI
M. Ravichandran, Goldie Oza, S.Velumani, Jose Tapia Ramirez c, Francisco Garcia-Sierra, Norma Barragán Andrade, Marco A.Garza-Navarro, Domingo I.Garcia-Gutierrez, and Junsin Yi
RSC ADVANCES 5-22 (2015) 17223-17227.

Solution-based synthesis of high yield CZTS (Cu2ZnSnS4) spherical quantum dots
G. Rajesh, N. Muthukumarasamy, E.P. Subramanian, M.R. Venkatraman, S. Agilan, V. Ragavendran, M. Thambidurai, S. Velumani, Junsin Yi,Dhayalan, Velauthapillai.
Superlattices and Microstructures 77 (2015) 305–312

Light trapping by hydrothermally deposited zinc oxide nanostructures with high haze ratio
Shahbaz Khan, ShahzadaQamarHussain, DoyeonHwang, S.Velumani, HyoyoungLee.
Materials ScienceinSemiconductorProcessing (2015)

Aging effects on the stability of nitrogen-doped and un-doped InGaZnO thin-film transistors
JayapalRaja, KyungsooJang, NagarajanBalaji, ShahzadaQamarHussain, S. Velumani, SomenathChatterjee, TaeyongKim, JunsinYi.
Materials ScienceinSemiconductorProcessing (2015)
Parametric optimization of mechano chemical process for synthesis of Cu(In,Ga)0.5Se2 nanoparticles
M. Rohini, P.Reyes, S.Velumani, M.Latha , Goldieoza , I. Becerril-Juarez , R.Asomoza.
Materials ScienceinSemiconductorProcessing (2015)

Synthesis of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 nanoparticles by thermal decomposition method with tunable Ga content
M.Latha, R. Aruna Devi, S.Velumani, Goldie oza, P. Reyes-Figueroa, M. Rohini, I. G. Becerril-Juarez and Junsin Yi
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15 (2015) 1-7

Synthesis and characterization of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles by chemical precipitation method
R.Aruna Devi, M.Latha, S.Velumani, Goldie oza, P. Reyes-Figueroa, M. Rohini, I. G. Becerril-Juarez and Junsin Yi
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15 (2015) 1-6.

Low temperature, high yield synthesis of CZTS (Cu2ZnSnS4) quantum dots, Superlattices and Microstructures
G.Rajesh, N.Muthukumarasamy, E.P.Subramanian, M.RVenkatraman, V.Ragavendran, M.Thambidurai, S.Velumani, Junsin Yi and Dhayalan Velauthapillai
77 (2015) 305–312.
Effects of interface trap density on the Electrical Performance of Amorphous InSnZnO Thin-Film Transistor
Yongye Liang, Kyungsoo Jang, S.Velumani, Cam Phu Thi Nguyen, Junsin Yi
Jounal of Semiconductors 36-2 (2015) 024007-024011

Boosting the mobility and bias stability of oxide-
based thin-film transistors with ultra-thin nanocrystalline InSnO:Zr films
Jayapal Raja, Kyungsoo Jang, Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Nagarajan Balaji, S.Velumani, Somenath Chatterjee, Junsin Yi
Applied Physics Letters, 106(2015) 033501

Improvement of data retention characteristics of OSOSO multi-stacked MIS capacitor for flat panel display technology
Jayapal Raja, Sungwook Jung, Kyungsoo Jang, Zhenghai Jin, S.Velumani, Somenath Chatterjee, Junsin Yi
Applied Physics Letters, 106(2015) 033501

Effect of nitrate concentration on the electrochemical growth and properties of ZnO nanostructures, Journal of Material Science
L. Mentar, O. Baka, M. R. Khelladi, A. Azizi, S.Velumani, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia
Mater Electron 26-2 (2015) 1217-1224.

Influence of working pressure on the structural, optical and electrical properties of sputter deposited AZO thin films
Hyeongsik Park, Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Subramaniam Velumani, Anh Huy Tuan Le, Shihyun Ahn, Sunbo Kim, and Junsin Yi
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 37 (2015) 29-36.

Uniform hydrothermally deposited zinc oxide nanorods with high haze ratio for amorphous silicon thin film solar cells
Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Giduk Kwon, Shihyun Ahn, Sunbo Kim, Anh Huy Tuan Le, Hyeongsik Park, Jayapal Raja, Nagarajan Balaji, S.Velumani, Didier Pribat, JunsinYi
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (2015)

SF6/Ar plasma textured periodic glass surface morphologies with high transmittance and haze ratio of ITO:Zr films for amorphous silicon thin film solar cells
Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Gi Duk Kwon, Shihyun Ahn, Sunbo Kim, Hyeongsik Park, Anh Huy Tuan Le, Chonghoon Shin, Sangho Kim, Shahbaz Khan, Jayapal Raja, Nagarajan Balaji, S. Velumani, Didier Pribat, Junsin Yi
Vacuum 117 (2015) 91e97

Light trapping of hydrogen doped zinc oxide nano-flowers and nano-flakes having high haze ratiofor silicon soloar cell
Shahbaz Khan, Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Doyeon Kim, S.Velumani, Hyoyoung Lee
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 37 (2015) 51-56.
